Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, is another non-surgical option that has been shown to achieve a more robust, stronger penis, better erections, and longer staying power, without a full surgical procedure.
A blood sample is drawn and the platelets are extracted. Platelets have been shown to contain the energy and growth factors to stimulate tissue in the body. The platelets are injected into the penis during a 15-minute process.

Non-Surgical Enlargement

While surgery can produce amazing results, if you’d rather avoid surgery and anesthesia, then a quick and simple injection procedure can be your answer.
During this procedure, a dermal filler, which is a combination of collagen and permanent microspheres, is injected using a needleless system. This series of injections, which is approved by the FDA, builds up the area under the skin of the penis on top of the underlying fascia, resulting in an effective increase of both length and girth with a nearly painless procedure.
Once injected, the substance naturally stimulates collagen production around the microspheres, which causes a long lasting, semi-permanent improvement. Once a small amount of lidocaine is injected to make the area numb, the rest of the procedure is pain free, and in 10 minutes, you will have that long term penis enlargement that you’ve been looking for.
Aside from the above, there are a number of additional benefits you can experience from our non-surgical penis enlargement procedures, including no cutting, no stitching, no scaring, and no downtime from a minimally invasive, affordable procedure that delivers quick and long-lasting results.
Pubic Lift
There are some patients who have excess skin in the pubis region which results in what’s known as hidden penis syndrome. In such situations, we can do a pubic lift to remove the hanging skin, and to lift the pubic region. This usually results in much more of the penile being visible, therefore enhancing the overall length of the penis.

Dermal Fat Graft

A new technique for widening the penis girth is performed by removing a small portion of skin and fat from beneath the buttocks, making the donor scar virtually undetectable within the crease below the buttocks.  The harvested fat is then placed under the penile skin to allow it to become much thicker.
For those patients who don’t have enough fatty tissue on their stomach or love handles for liposuction, this technique works quite well, especially since the downtime is minimal and there is hardly any discomfort

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